
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Palter by CharlesKelder

The Sprengenberg is a house on the hill Sprengenberg in Haarle , municipality Hellendoorn , built between the 1898th - 1,910 commissioned by AAW of Wulfften Palthe . The house is often called the Sallandsche Palthehuis Tower. Residents usually speak of the Villa. The Sprengenberg The adjoining land is a nature reserve managed by Natuurmonumenten and is part of the National Park Sallandse Heuvelrug , it is free to visit. The house is not open to the public. Palthehuis lived in Almelo and possessed the land around the hill, where he hunted regularly. In 1898 he built a tea dome where one could recover from the hunt, and possibly with some people staying. In the years after he left the architect Charles Muller expansions various designs such as the gallery and the tower. Palthehuis, two brothers who had founded the Palthehuis textile mills was very interested in the latest techniques and applied them to the mansion. So the house was completely self-sufficient with its own water well and windmill. The house also heard a gully with a bathhouse. This building still exists, it is by the inhabitants of the nearby Haarle called the witch house called. Initially, the house was designed as hunting and holiday, but later Palthehuis went there myself to live. His wife, Maria Aurelia Engberts, had in fact suffered from rheumatism and had benefited from the dry environment. Palthehuis had in the 1920s on the moors near the house a private airstrip. After his death in 1929 has his unmarried daughter, Maria Aurelia Wulfften Palthe, lived there until her death in 1962 . After the Second World War, the house became increasingly dilapidated. The exploitation of the land brought too little and the land was sold by the family, it is now equally owned by Natuurmonumenten and Bergh Foundation. The house is in the Sprengenberg by the Foundation for a symbolic amount leasehold given to the descendants of Palthehuis, united in the Association Sprengenberg. Since then the house thoroughly refurbished.

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