
Friday, May 30, 2014

Seriously, go treat yourself to a new pair of Nikes, hopefully on sale, they very well may give you motivation to actually go to the gym, run, lift heavy, crush your workout!!! Or grab that cute pair of heels or wedges you gaze at through the store window, maybe those shoes are MAGIC, and it will make you feel confident and maybe even sexy again. Meet someone in those heels. Network! Wear them to an interview! Or go get a new pair of house slippers… they might help you kick back and relax more after a long day at work or whatever tension and stress is on your mind. Afterall there’s always room for more self love. Even in the silliest or smallest ways. Spend wisely, shop sales!!!! But for me, I think it’s important to invest in yourself, NOT only by materialistic things. I’m talking alone time under a tree, a long walk alone through the forest, canyon, beach, or meadow. Invest time in your thoughts, in your mindset, invest in your passion. LIVE! Bond, with yourself! Be your own best friend and biggest fan. All and all we only live one time, do whatever it takes to love yourself. #loveyourself #Natashanicolefitness #seriousnutritionsolutions

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