
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

129 Thoughts I Had At NYC's First Country Music Festival

Never have I wanted so badly to be a cowboy than at Farmborough NYC.

Elena Childers / Via BuzzFeed

1. Wow. That's a lot of denim.
2. Moonshine's a real thing?!
3. I love Moonshine.
4. Sorry Luke Bryan, I know you say rain is a good thing, but I've never hated it more than this moment.
5. Holy denim Batman, it never ends! (Applicable to both the endless rain and denim.)
6. The cowboy hat vendor would be called "Down 'n' Dirty Hat Co."
7. Must resist the urge to buy myself a cowboy hat even though I would look badass in it! I should've been a cowboy. Or cowgirl. Whatever.
8. Alright, Next From Nashville tent, let's see what you got.
9. Oh dang, this acoustic duo is killing it!
10. Oh dang, my thoughts already have a southern twang to them…
11. I gotta look up this band. Striking Matches from Nashville. They were on a show called Nashville!
12. I wonder if they're dating.
13. They would be like the White Stripes of country music.
14. Except there's no drums and it's only acoustic…
15. And The Civil Wars already sorta had that niche covered…
16. But they broke up…
17. Oh nevermind.

18. This rain is actually going to kill me.
19. Country fans are dedicated to be muscling though this rain. They're all poncho'd up and ready to go!
20. I bet their cowboy hats and boots are super handy for this kind of weather.
21. However, the girls here have to be regretting their Daisy Dukes at this point.
22. Oh yay! Here comes Justin Moore! He's shorter than I expected, but in a cute way.
23. Nothing wrong with short! I'm super short. Maybe we could be short together and live in the ~country~.
24. I've never seen such tight jeans on a guy before.
25. Oh wait. Yes I have. On every emo kid in the '00s. I wonder if the emo kids stole the tight pants trend from country kids.

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