A thirst realm, if you will. We knew glasses were sexy, but did we know they were sexy ON CHRIS HEMSWORTH?
The upcoming Melissa McCarthy-starring, Paul Fieg-directed Ghostbusters is currently in production.
Alanna Bennett / BuzzFeed / Paul Feig
And lo, it is a production that has already brought more than its fair share of glory. Including these unauthorized shots of Chris Hemsworth's character on a motorbike.
Patriot Pics / Patriot Pics/FAMEFLYNET PICTURES
JUST RIDIN' ALONG, wearing a smile like he's watching his favorite ladies save the whole damn world. He'll answer their phones and he'll DO IT IN STYLE.
Patriot Pics / Patriot Pics/FAMEFLYNET PICTURES
But there's one particular thing we need to talk about regarding these shots.
Patriot Pics / Patriot Pics/FAMEFLYNET PICTURES
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