
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Here's How To Eat Everything You've Ever Wanted From A Miyazaki Film

Warning: tears of happiness may ensue.

Ramen from Ponyo.

Ramen from Ponyo.

There's no way to not crave ramen after watching this.

Studio Ghibli

Luckily, it's fairly easy to make it, and this one looks exactly like the movie version! You just need a package of Ramen, 1 slice cooked ham, 1/2 hard boiled egg, and some scallions. Recipe here.

Steamed red buns from Spirited Away.

Steamed red buns from Spirited Away.

Miyazaki's art in animating food is unparalleled. The buns are so freaking moist and puffy! MMMmmm.

Studio Ghibli / Via

Steamed red bean buns are popular in many East Asian cultures. There's the option to buy the red bean filling too is you don't feel like making it. Recipe here.

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