
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Here Are The Biggest Moments On Twitter From 2015

It’s been an important 12 months, in 140 characters or less.

According to Twitter, employees selected these current events based on "the level of influence they had on Twitter.

"Various factors were considered, including volume of conversation, global resonance, and impact," Twitter said.



After the series of terrorist attacks in Paris on Nov. 13, the hashtags #PrayForParis and other related sentiments quickly became the top trending topics around the world.

Twitter: @jean_jullien / Via Twitter: @jean_jullien



#BlackLivesMatter started as a hashtag and has since gone on to represent an entire social movement around racial equality. According to Twitter, the hashtag was tweeted out 9 million times in 2015.

Twitter: @marclamonthill / Via Twitter: @marclamonthill



When the Supreme Court voted in favor of nationwide marriage equality for LGBT couples in the U.S. on June 26, people on Twitter used hashtags like #MarriageEquality and #LoveWins to celebrate.

Twitter: @TheEllenShow / Via Twitter: @TheEllenShow

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