
Friday, December 4, 2015

Mindy Kaling Really Likes To Troll "Star Wars" Fans

One good tactic is to just casually confuse it with Star Trek.

If you're a Star Wars fan who has interacted with Mindy Kaling, there's a solid chance this is what you've encountered.

If you're a Star Wars fan who has interacted with Mindy Kaling, there's a solid chance this is what you've encountered.


According to her appearance on The Tonight Show, our girl likes to pretend she's never seen the film when confronted with fans.

According to her appearance on The Tonight Show, our girl likes to pretend she's never seen the film when confronted with fans.


For the record: She loves Star Wars, so much so that J.J. Abrams asked her to moderate a panel on it.

And so much so that she's rightfully enraged at him that he refused to let her see Force Awakens early.

And so much so that she's rightfully enraged at him that he refused to let her see Force Awakens early.


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