
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

If The Cast Of "Friends" Were "Game Of Thrones" Houses

I’ll be there for you, when the rains (of Castamere) start to fall.



Name: House Tribbiani
Sigil: Two pizzas (aka the Joey Special)
Words: Joey Doesn't Share Food
Strengths: Wooing maidens
Enemies: Being a long-time companion of House Bing, House Tribbiani often felt threatened by House Litman Garalnik – finding her unmistakable laugh too much to bear. Also, woe betide anyone who steals House Tribbiani's food.

Robin Edds / BuzzFeed



Name: House Geller
Sigil: A sofa
Words: Pivot!
Strengths: Academia, counting Mississippilly, getting divorced.
Enemies: Over the years House Geller has been joined to a number of other great houses through marriage, but as yet none of them have stuck. Wars still rage between House Geller and House Green as to whether these houses were on a break.

Robin Edds / BuzzFeed



Name: House Bananahammock
Sigil: A smelly cat
Words: I Wish I Could Help But I Don't Want To
Strengths: Music, massages, basically everything except riding a bike.
Enemies: Over time many houses, such as House Ursula and House Pottery Barn, have felt the wrath of House Bananahammock. Now, however, a new peace has come over the family after Princess Consuela of House Bananahammock met and fell in love with Ser Crap of House Bag.

Robin Edds / BuzzFeed



Name: House Bing
Sigil: A sweater vest
Words: I'm Not So Great At Advice, Can I Interest You In A Sarcastic Comment?
Strengths: Jokes (according to House Bing, at least).
Enemies: After many (brief) periods of unity, House Bing now classes House Litman Goralnik as its biggest enemy. They even sent out ravens claiming they had moved to Yemen, in the eastern reaches of the known world, to escape further advances.

Robin Edds / BuzzFeed

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