
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

11 Scientific Predictions About The Future That Are Seriously Crazy

The future is terrifying, but also kind of cool?

Having a humanity-wide party as Earth is narrowly missed by a huge asteroid.

Having a humanity-wide party as Earth is narrowly missed by a huge asteroid.

How long you'd have to live to see it happen: Until March 16, 2880.

Why it might happen: According to super complex calculations, a one-kilometer asteroid named (29075) 1950 DA has less than one percent chance of colliding with Earth during a 20-minute window on March 16, 2880. Luckily there is a more than 99 percent chance that this will not happen, and what better excuse for a party than an apocalyptic near-miss?

Buena Vista Pictures / Via

Watching Mars develop some Saturn-esque rings.

Watching Mars develop some Saturn-esque rings.

How long you'd have to live to see it: 20-40 million years.

Why it might happen: Mars' moon Phobos is slowly drifting closer to Mars. Scientists predict that instead of it crashing into the planet, it will break apart into countless tiny bits to form rings.

NASA / Alex Kasprak / BuzzFeed

Saying "peace" to Saturn's rings.

Saying "peace" to Saturn's rings.

How long you'd have to live to see it happen: No more than a 100 million years.

Why it might happen: Scientists estimate that, at most, Saturn's rings will last another 100 million years before all of that rocky material is pulverized into nothingness.

NASA / Alex Kasprak / BuzzFeed

Being able to low-key creep your way through an archive of ALL HUMAN KNOWLEDGE.

Being able to low-key creep your way through an archive of ALL HUMAN KNOWLEDGE.

How long you'd have to live to see it happen: About 300 years.

Why it might happen: Because Google said so, that's why. Back in 2005, then-Google CEO Eric Schmidt made the bold claim that it would take the company about 300 years to "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."

goldenretrieverbailey / Via

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