
Monday, December 1, 2014

A Brief History Of Star Wars And "Jizz"

Warm and explosive, jizz is an important part of Star Wars culture. Episode VII had better be full of it.


For thousands of fans, the most heartwarming moments of the Thanksgiving holiday weren't those spent with family and friends, but watching the 90-second first trailer for Star Wars VII - The Force Awakens. 9 out of 10 geeks agree that it hit all the right notes; it felt modern, but still, as my colleague Steve Kandell put it, stirred the hearts of an impatient legion:

the teaser is a dog whistle in more subtle ways: the orange of the desert, the dirt and rust on an X-wing, and more crucially, the howl of the TIE fighters and the swelling of the John Williams score, which apparently can raise goose bumps by merely typing a reference to it. The final moment of the trailer is not an image, but the distinctive hum of a lightsaber.

Though the familiar sounds no-doubt stirred something inside us all, one particular aural pleasure was missing from the otherwise impressive preview. I'm talking about an indispensible part of the Star Wars culture, with which every person who has seen the movies is familiar. I'm talking about something explosive, something full of life, something that really sticks with you.

I'm talking about jizz.

You know, jizz! What's jizz, you ask? Well, the answer is that even if you don't know what jizz is, you're probably well-acquainted with it and almost certainly already love it.

So what is jizz? According to Wookiepedia, the Star Wars wiki, "Jizz was an upbeat, swinging genre of music, most notably performed by Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes and the Max Rebo Band." It's the music played in the famous cantina scene in Episode IV, and in Jabba's court in Episode VI.

This is jizz:

This is also jizz:

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