
Friday, December 4, 2015

Non-Scientists Try To Guess The Meaning Of Science Words

This is what happened when BuzzFeed Science asked our colleagues around the world to define some serious science terms.

Maritsa Patrinos / BuzzFeed

Matt: How fuckable you look in that outfit.

Crystal: A number directly correlated to how many drinks it takes to muster up the courage to talk to that hot guy at the bar.

Jenna: It describes how lazy something is. "This weekend has zero action potential. I'm just gonna watch Netflix."

Lara: The thing my teachers in middle school always told me I had if I'd just complete my math homework on time.

Juliane: The unknown prequel to Die Hard. The setting is Good Friday and an Easter Bunny attacking a Jesus impersonator in a mall.

Real definition: An electrical signal that carries information from the sensory organ to the brain via the nervous system.

Alex Kasprak / BuzzFeed

Maritsa Patrinos / BuzzFeed

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