
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

25 Things That Wlll Absolutely NOT Happen On The "Gotham" Finale

We’ve all but given up on #Gobblepot.

Fox / Via

1. Gertrude Kabelput reveals that she is not actually Oswald's mother, but is actually Kimmy Schmidt's landlady playing an elaborate prank on a young, impressionable gangster.

2. Harvey Bullock and Alfred Pennyworth square off over who gets the honor of Fish Mooney's hand in marriage. She shoots the loser. And the winner. Because fuck you, that's why.

3. Someone at GCPD will solve a crime WITHOUT any help from Nygma. Any crime. Any crime at all.

4. Don Falcone calls a truce on the mob war, but only because the opera is in town and he scored sweet box seats to see their production of Gianni Snicchi.

5. Somebody takes pity on Victor Zsasz and just gives the man a muffin. He wants some jam to go with it.


6. Ivy crawls out from underneath Barbara's bed, where she has been hiding for the past seven episodes. She's fine, just a little dehydrated.

7. Jim realizes that no one in Gotham supports him quite like Oswald supports him, and the Gobblepot shippers rejoice as they ride off into the sunset, like Danny and Sandy at the end of Grease.

8. Lee and Barbara are totally fine with this, more than fine even. Barbara gets back together with Renee, while Lee ends the season asking Ed Nygma out for a pity beer.

9. We get a good look at Lucius Fox's apartment and see, as an easter egg, a framed picture of his father: Morgan Freeman.

10. A scene taking place at Arkham shows that Jerome is channeling his homidical rage through the art form that is stick-and-poke tattoos. Everyone in the asylum is too nice to tell him he looks ridiculous.

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